
Kleist and Modernity (Universität Dunedin, Neuseeland)

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Kleist und die Moderne / Kleist and Modernity
Final Program
Friday, September 24

Student Colloquium on Kleist
10:30–12:30 Lydia Findlay, Bridget Gilchrist, Kate Lees, Anya Park, Tama Westoby
(all University of Otago), Amber Suggitt, Charlie Vannette (Ohio State
Information Technology Services, Central Library, University of Otago

Saturday, September 25

Venue: Hutton Theatre, Otago Museum, 419 Great King St, Dunedin
Conference Welcome
Mark Brunton (Office of the Vice-Chancellor, Maori Research
Traditional Welcome
Self and Gender: Chaired by Peter Morgan (U. of Sydney)
9:00-9:45 Tim Mehigan (U. of Otago), “Kleist and the Problem of Self-
9:45-10:30 Anette Horn (U. of Witwatersrand), “Religion nach der Aufklärung: Die
heilige Cäcilie – Identität, Religion und Moderne“
10:30-11:00 MORNING TEA
11:00-11:45 Nancy Nobile (U. of Delaware), “’Sein Nahen ist ein Wehen aus der
Ferne’: Ottokar’s Leap in Die Familie Schroffenstein
11:45-12:30 Sean Allan (U. of Warwick), “So glaubst du jetzt, dass ich dir Wahrheit
gab? Gender, Power and the Performance of Justice in Kleist’s Der
zerbrochne Krug
12:30-14:00 LUNCH

14:00-14:45 Ricarda Schmidt (U. of Exeter), “Weiblicher Sadismus,
Geschlechtskampf, Strafphantasie – die Penthesilea-Rezeption in der
14:45-15:30 James Philips (U. of New South Wales), “Eric Rohmer’s ‘Die Marquise
von O.’ and Marriage in Ambiguous Circumstances”
15:30-16:00 AFTERNOON TEA
Poetics: Chaired by Will Sweetman (U. of Otago)
16:00-16:45 Hilda Brown (Oxford U.), “Kleist’s Position as Dramatist in 19th century
Debates about Modernity from Goethe to Wagner”
16:45-17:30 Jeffrey High (California State U., Long Beach), “Heinrich von Kleist and
the ‘German’ Novella of Modernity“
17:30-18:15 Bernd Fischer (Ohio State U.), „Narrating Justice: Kleist and Kafka“
Performed by the Theatre Group of the German Programme, Department
of Languages and Cultures, University of Otago
Mary Hopewell Theatre, College of Education, Union St East

Sunday, September 26

Venue: Hutton Theatre, Otago Museum, 419 Great King St, Dunedin
Poetics (continued)
Bernhard Greiner (U. of Tübingen), “Zu Ende schreiben: ultimative
Strategien im Schaffen Kleists”
9.45:-10:30 Wolf Kittler (U. of California, Santa Barbara), “Mathematics and Poetry:
Heinrich von Kleist
10:30-11:00 MORNING TEA
11:00-11:45 Jonathan Marshall (U. of Otago), “Transcendental Mechanics and
Performance after Kleist: From Geometry to Hypnosis“
11:45-12:30 David Chisholm, (U. of Arizona), “Prosodic and Dramatic Tension in
Kleist’s Amphitryon and Prinz Friedrich von Homburg

12:30-14:00 LUNCH
14:00-14:45 Andreas Gailus (U. of Michigan), “Breaking Skulls: Kleist and the Force
of Assertion”
14:45-15:30 Catherine Dale (U of Otago): “Kleist/Artaud”
Power, State, and History Chaired by Roger Hillman (ANU)
15:30-16:15 David Pan (U. of California, Irvine), “Individual Expression and Political
Representation in Prinz Friedrich von Homburg
16:15-16:45 AFTERNOON TEA
16:45-17:30 Peter Barton, (U. of Otago), “Ideology and the Problem of Knowledge in
Die Marquise von O…
17:30-18:15 Cecilia Novero (U. of Otago), “Of Animals, Silence, and Noise. The
Power of Powerlessness in Kleist’s Other Language“
Ironic Café and Bar, 9 Anzac Ave, Dunedin

Monday, September 27

Venue: Hutton Theatre, Otago Museum, 419 Great King St, Dunedin
Power, State, and History (continued)
Helmut Schneider (U. of Bonn), “Herrschaftsgenealogie und Staatskörper:
zu Kleists Dramaturgie der Moderne“
9:45-10:30 Dorothea von Mücke, (Columbia U.), “The Broken Pitcher and the Broken
Picture: The End of Meta-Historical Fictions and What Remains”
10:30-11:00 MORNING TEA
11:00-11:45 Peter Horn (U. of Witwatersrand), “Das Gespenst der Armut: Das
Bettelweib von Locarno – zwischen traditioneller, christlicher, kantisch
aufgeklärter und moderner marxistischer Auffassung“

11:45-12:30 Christian Moser (U. of Bonn), “Heinrich von Kleist und die
Begründungsaporien des modernen Staates“
12:30-14:00 LUNCH
14:00-15:30 Meeting of Humboldt Fellows to discuss regional and international
collaboration and future conference initiatives
15:30-16:30 AFTERNOON TEA
For further information, please contact:
Prof. Tim Mehigan
Email: tim.mehigan@otago.ac.nz