Why do women over 35 often wish to have twins? How to increase the chances of having twins?

Why do women over 35 often wish to have twins? How to increase the chances of having twins?   Some years back while I was trying to get pregnant with my first child, I participated in Qi-Gong classes with a group of women who dealt with infertility. Once a week after our Qi-Gong session, we would go out for [...]

Why do women over 35 often wish to have twins? How to increase the chances of having twins?2020-12-21T07:08:58+01:00

The dream of having twins: What are the risks and what an IVF expert from a top fertility clinic told me

We've discussed in the last post how many women, especially those older than 35 or undergoing IVF treatments, wish to get pregnant with twins and I promised to further elaborate on that. Is it possible to boost chances of having twins? There are, indeed, ways of increasing the chance to conceive with twins: by certain lifestyle interventions and/or [...]

The dream of having twins: What are the risks and what an IVF expert from a top fertility clinic told me2017-10-13T12:01:39+01:00

Why do women over 35 often wish to have twins? Which practices are used to increase the chances of having twins?

Some years back while I was trying to get pregnant with my first child, I participated in Qi-Gong classes with a group of women who dealt with infertility. Once a week after our Qi-Gong session, we would go out for a drink afterwards and update each other on the progress of our fertility journeys. I remember I once said [...]

Why do women over 35 often wish to have twins? Which practices are used to increase the chances of having twins?2017-10-13T12:01:39+01:00
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