One summer post: Beautiful poem on being a woman

Image courtesy: hyena reality by As I opened my Facebook the other day, nothing, really nothing hinted that I would soon find the best poem on womanhood and fertility I read in my whole life. The strange thing was that it was posted by a man - a British friend of ours who wrote several books and obviously has [...]

One summer post: Beautiful poem on being a woman2017-10-13T12:01:39+01:00

Can probiotics increase your fertility? Very likely.

Today, I would like to only quickly address one issue I wrote about a few years ago, but only now we start to see more articles addressing one important issue: Conception and our gut bacteria. A quick reminder to start with: Gut bacteria (often called gut microbiome) are not only very important for digestion, they are also many; around 2kg of [...]

Can probiotics increase your fertility? Very likely.2017-10-13T12:01:39+01:00

Fish or supplements? How to get enough omega-3 when TTC

When it comes to getting pregnant, there is no magic food that will help turn a bad egg into a good embryo. However, there are types of nutrition that are beneficial and scientifically proven to increase pregnancy chances, such as the Mediterranean diet and the Fertility diet (as published by Harvard researchers in 2008). I've dedicated an entire [...]

Fish or supplements? How to get enough omega-3 when TTC2017-10-13T12:01:39+01:00
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