Is it possible to increase low AMH levels?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Is it possible to increase low AMH level? Image credit: hadkhanong at AMH (Anti-Müllerian Hormone) is a hormone secreted in the granulosa cells (satellite cells which surround eggs) and its robustness and stability throughout the cycle makes it the most important parameter in terms of predicting ovarian reserve. A simple blood test taken on [...]

Is it possible to increase low AMH levels?2021-06-01T07:27:21+01:00

Surrogacy: One real-life experience

Surrogacy: One real-life experience   Image courtesy Satory Kobayashi at There is no probably no other such controversial topic related to building a family as surrogacy. Though I've spent years emerged in investigating and understanding all kinds of infertility-related topics, I must admit that I'm not completely sure how to feel about surrogacy. Is surrogacy a [...]

Surrogacy: One real-life experience2021-05-01T07:40:07+01:00

Aspirin and heparin to help implantation: Yes or No?

Aspirin and heparin to help implantation: Yes or No?   Image credit: atibodyphoto at The moment a woman has one or two unsuccessful series of  IVF behind her, she becomes ready to do anything, really anything to make the next IVF cycle work. Many of the women I talk to have a long history of [...]

Aspirin and heparin to help implantation: Yes or No?2021-04-02T07:43:26+01:00

Which CoQ10 is best for fertility: Ubiquinol or Ubiquinone?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Which CoQ10 is best for fertility: Ubiquinol or Ubiquinone? Some weeks ago I received one of the best comments on my blog so far (thank you Iva S.). This is what Iva asked me: Dear Darja, first of all, I liked very much your book about improving egg quality in women over 35, it's informative and motivational, thank [...]

Which CoQ10 is best for fertility: Ubiquinol or Ubiquinone?2021-03-21T08:36:41+01:00

Is PGS worth it? Probably not, and here is why

Is PGS worth it? Probably not, and here is why Photo courtesy: jesadaphorn at There are people in this world such as fertility specialists on CHR (Center for Human Reproduction in New York) who are true magicians in making women pregnant and who really understand the issues surrounding low ovarian reserve or bad egg quality [...]

Is PGS worth it? Probably not, and here is why2021-03-05T07:07:48+01:00

What is the value of a human egg? How much would you pay to your egg donor?

What is the value of a human egg? How much would you pay to your egg donor? Image credit: phaitoon at Thousands of babies are being born each year as a result of egg donation. In 2013, over 9,500 babies were born thanks to donated eggs. Fifteen years ago (something like middle age of reproductive [...]

What is the value of a human egg? How much would you pay to your egg donor?2021-02-20T07:44:42+01:00

Why are women advised egg donation earlier in the US than in Europe?

Why are women advised egg donation earlier in the US than in Europe? I often get emails from women around the world asking me when I think is the right point to enter an egg donation program. One would think that there should be a clear consensus on this in the medical community, right? Not at all. A [...]

Why are women advised egg donation earlier in the US than in Europe?2021-01-15T07:00:45+01:00
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