A number of pain-killers can stop ovulation and lower fertility?

A number of pain-killers can stop ovulation and lower fertility? Image courtesy: marin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Of course, I was occasionally taking anti-pain medications during the time I was trying to conceive. I mean, who doesn't? Though I am generally trying to avoid any medications as much as possible, I sometimes do get headaches (or toothaches!) that [...]

A number of pain-killers can stop ovulation and lower fertility?2021-05-25T07:24:29+01:00

Legs up after intercourse: will it increase the chance of conceiving?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Legs up after intercourse: will it increase the chance of conceiving?   Photo credit: stockimage at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Legs up for pregnancy - does it really work? In virtually every corner of the world people believe that a special positioning during intercourse will improve the chances of getting pregnant or even affect the sex of the [...]

Legs up after intercourse: will it increase the chance of conceiving?2021-01-20T07:09:17+01:00

Spanish top reproductive scientists from Dexeus to start research in modifying human embryos with CRISPR

Spanish top reproductive scientists from Dexeus to start research in modifying human embryos with CRISPR Dexeus is a woman's health clinic located in Barcelona, famous for giving life to the first test-tube baby in Spain in 1984. Dexeus clinic has brought more than 12.000 IVF children into the world. About one fourth of reproductive medicine patients come to [...]

Spanish top reproductive scientists from Dexeus to start research in modifying human embryos with CRISPR2021-01-12T07:57:06+01:00

Should you use basal body temperature to determine ovulation?

Should you use basal body temperature to determine ovulation?   I've been delaying writing this post for months and probably longer. Maybe I thought that women all around the world will give up on BBT charting altogether because there are better methods than measuring basal temperature to determine ovulation. But no one seems to be tired of BBT [...]

Should you use basal body temperature to determine ovulation?2021-01-05T07:15:38+01:00

I was an interview guest: Darja Wagner talks ovarian reserve and improving egg quality for women over 30

Darja Wagner talks ovarian reserve and improving egg quality for women over 30   This article appeared in a blog by Alanna Lawley from Berlin.  Some weeks ago, Alanna and I sat together and talked about infertility, love and relationships, and the importance of women understanding their egg health. I also gave some practical tips related to determining [...]

I was an interview guest: Darja Wagner talks ovarian reserve and improving egg quality for women over 302020-12-31T07:10:32+01:00

IUI – How many times should you try before giving up?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Finding success with IUI - How many times should you try before giving up?   Once I coached a 41-year old woman who has gone through nineteen unsuccessful insemination rounds. Yes, nineteen, and nobody told her it was time to stop. She reasoned that, if pregnancy rates are estimated at 10-15 % per insemination cycle, the only thing [...]

IUI – How many times should you try before giving up?2020-12-25T07:12:01+01:00

Why do women over 35 often wish to have twins? How to increase the chances of having twins?

Why do women over 35 often wish to have twins? How to increase the chances of having twins?   Some years back while I was trying to get pregnant with my first child, I participated in Qi-Gong classes with a group of women who dealt with infertility. Once a week after our Qi-Gong session, we would go out for [...]

Why do women over 35 often wish to have twins? How to increase the chances of having twins?2020-12-21T07:08:58+01:00

Scandinavian sperm donors are hot! In a conversation with the founder of the world’s largest sperm bank

Scandinavian men are hot! In a conversation with Ole Schou, founder of the world's largest sperm bank As I meet Ole Schou, the founder of the world's largest sperm bank Cryos, at the fringes of ESHRE conference, he says: - I love this event. Once a year, all professionals from the field come together. It feels a little [...]

Scandinavian sperm donors are hot! In a conversation with the founder of the world’s largest sperm bank2020-09-10T07:58:43+01:00
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